Tamiya 1/ 48 Road Sign Set
Road Sign Set
Set Contents
This set includes a large selection of military and civilian signs found in Eastern and Western Europe during the WWII years. Signs have been meticulously researched and reproduced on high quality decals for the ultimate in historical accuracy. Set comes with a variety of telegraph poles, street lights, fences, posts and other scenery accessories to add detail and atmosphere to military dioramas.
About Road Signs
During WWII, road signs played an important roll in providing vital information to soldiers about such things as troop movements and concentrations. German forces made use of a variety of road signs to indicate direction and distance, mark locations of supply depots and field hospitals, as well as to warn of danger zones such as mine fields. While most signs were mounted on posts, some were placed on telegraph poles and buildings, and it was not uncommon to see a mish-mash of various signs attached to the same mount