Trumpeter 1/ 48 Supermarine Spiteful F.MK.14 Fighter
Supermarine Spiteful F.MK.14 Fighter
The Supermarine Spiteful was a British Rolls-Royce Griffon-engined fighter aircraft.
In late 1942, Supermarine designers feared the drag characteristics of the Spitfire's wing at high Mach numbers (nearing the speed of sound) might become a limiting factor in increasing the aircraft's high-speed performance.
To overcome this, it was decided to produce a new laminar-flow wing, much like that already used on the North American P-51 Mustang, Another change, to improve the ground-handling, was replacing the Spitfire's narrow-track, outward-retracting undercarriage with a wider-track, inward-retracting system. as it was now substantially different from a Spitfire, the aircraft was named Spiteful.
Model Brief
Length:216 mm
Wingspan: 224mm
Total Parts 80+pcs