Tamiya 1/ 35 Krupp Protze 1ton (6X4) Kfz.69 Towing Truck
Krupp Protze 1ton (6X4) Kfz.69 Towing Truck
During the first phase of WWII, the German army obtained one victory after another thanks to its high mobility. The German army was using many vehicle models at this time. One of these was the Krupp Protze 1ton (6X4) Kfz.69 Towing Truck. Every characteristic of this truck such as its low-profile bonnet and ammunition boxes on the rear has been realistically reproduced on this model. You can now add this famous German towing truck used during the first half of WWII.
Popularly known as the "Boxer" because of its air-cooled flat-four square 4-cylinder engine, the L2 H43 was developed by the Krupp company and mass produced from 1933. This truck was capable of both personnel and light-artillery transport and featured unique 6x4 independent suspension with 4-wheel drive and was capable of speeds up to 70km/h. In 1936, this truck had its horse-power improved from 55hp to 60hp with the development of the L2H431 version. This latter version underwent various improvements, particularly those allowing it to tow a 3.7mm PAK 35/36 anti-tank gun. After this improvement, the L2H431 came to be known as the Protze, and could hold 1 driver and 5 artillery crew. From the start of WWII the Protze was employed as standard equipment in anti-tank artillery divisions and was actively deployed to battlefronts in France and Poland.