Dragon Apollo 17 "The Last J-Mission" CSM + LM + Lunar Rover
Apollo 17 "The Last J-Mission" CSM + LM + Lunar Rover
NASA’s Apollo space program successfully placed man on the Moon, but a number of other missions followed even after this milestone had been achieved. The final mission was Apollo 17, the sixth flight to the Moon’s surface. (Interestingly, it is also the last time man landed on the Moon). Apollo 17 blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center on 7 December 1972 and landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley in order to sample lunar highland material. The Lunar Module (LM) christened Challenger contained the program’s third Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), which enabled the astronauts to explore during the three-day J-type mission. Eventually the lunar ascent module docked with the orbiting Command/Service Module (CSM) named America before heading home.
Dragon is proud to offer a full set model kits representing this important and final Apollo mission. A newly tooled LRV is included. It’s accurately made to 1/72 scale and is beautifully detailed. The LRV is made even more eye-catching by the fact that an astronaut can sit behind the wheel as he explores his authentic-looking diorama base. Indeed, the inclusion of the CSM, LM and an additional astronaut makes for an amazing scene. It’s incredible that so much can fit inside a single box, but each item has been carefully molded. Furthermore, pre-painted parts for the reflective-surfaces of the descent module are available in Dragon’s first production. Now collectors can relive the final Apollo mission!